Jackie Venson: LIC Bar 7 May 2017

Back in December 2016, the Austin American-Statesman’s website featured several Texas musicians performing Christmas songs. The first band was the Old 97’s, so that’s what brought me to the page. I decided to listen to the rest of the artists and one of them, from Austin, made an impression on me. I checked out Jackie […]

Malcolm Holcombe: Kathryn’s Space 6 May 2017

I had a ticket for the Old 97’s at Irving Plaza for this night but I see the band and Rhett solo regularly and this is only the third opportunity I’ve had to see Malcolm Holcombe. This was my second time seeing him at Kathryn’s Space House Concert Series, which is a living room in […]

Miss Diana Ross: New York City Center 24 April 2017

The show is called “Endless Memories” and that’s exactly what Miss Diana Ross gave us. She sang almost every song we wanted hear. And there weren’t any Motown medleys stuck in the middle or at the end of the program. We got a lot of the Motown hits – the entire versions of the songs […]

Chris Wells: It Will All Work Out: Dixon Place 21 April 2017

Sometime last year, Mrs. Devereaux told me about The Secret City, best described as an art church (their tagline is “we worship art”). Her friend was in the chorus and I attended two performances in early spring (which I reviewed here and here). I was fascinated. All sorts of art were showcased – performance, visual, […]

Cory Branan: Rough Trade 11 April 2017

I was excited to see Cory Branan for a second time in one week and was hoping that it would be a bigger crowd this time since it was at Rough Trade in Williamsburg. I got there just as the doors opened and this time I brought a magazine. I sat just outside the doors […]

Cory Branan: Garcia’s 9 April 2017

I’m going to go out of order again to post this recent show since I’m going to see the same artists again tonight and there was a new (to me) artist that I’m excited about. Hopefully this week I will get back to the winter shows I haven’t written up yet. Garcia’s is the bar […]

A Doll’s House, Part 2: Golden Theatre 6 April 2017

This was another great show with a perfect cast. This time it was an evening performance and rtb and Mrs. Devereaux were joining me. When we got to the mezzanine section of the Golden Theatre both rtb and Mrs. Devereaux were told by the first usher that we might be able to move further down […]

The Price: American Airlines Theatre 5 April 2017

My next Wednesday matinee was by another favorite playwright of mine – Arthur Miller. And the play was one of his that I wasn’t familiar with. The Price is a Roundabout Theatre Company production at the American Airlines Theatre, where I saw Long Day’s Journey into Night last May. I was again sitting in the […]